Year Shift Cycle Total Team Your Team Country Schedule
CL Cycle1 CL
DateWeek DayTeamDuty Your Note Hoilday

Online Shift worker and days worker schedule tool introduce

Online shift scheudle tool is design to provide a tool for the all operator in the world to build their shift schedule, one time build use it forever, Tool will automatic change schedule when the year change, it is very convenience to check shedule anytime use cell phone or computer. One year schedule just one table, it more easy planning future than monthly schedule.

Tool provide function to click the cell to find dates, hoilday,personal notes. Double click provide input function, and tool can send remainder email and message for personal events anytime depends the time setting.Easy to do mutual shift with team number.

Tool provide maximum flexibility depends color change,option change to maximaize visualisable, Rebuild shift if any team,cycle,country change. Step by step insturction for use tool, so it is very easy to setup

Day worker also can use this tool, just setup one team for schedule, remainder funcation exactly is same with shift worker!